Weekly Mission Report – April 3rd

Hey Everybody,

We have had a great week! We started out by fishing for turtles this last Monday. We caught 12 and kept all of them. Everyone in the District wants a turtle shell to keep or send home. I tried to get this one turtle for hours and I couldn’t get him to bite. Finally, I hooked him on the shell and when I was almost done pulling him all the way up and out of the water, he flipped off the hook. It made me so mad! My companion caught a giant one at the very end of the day. It was way bigger than any we had caught all day. It’s pretty cool. Cleaning them was nasty, but I cleaned one in 30 minutes which is my new record. Right now they are chilling on our porch so bugs can eat any leftovers inside. Some time soon we will boil them.

The next day I went on exchanges in North Augusta. We went contacting around some ponds and we saw 3 gators. These gators weren’t to big but I got close to one of them. We wanted to catch a baby one so bad. It would have been legit to hold it and get a picture. They are way faster then you think though. We ran into some nice people who weren’t interested in our message but we had good talks with them.

On Thursday, we tried to commit our investigator to baptism. She said she wanted to pray about it this week and then see. Well, after conference she texted us and said she wants to get baptized! We are super stoked about that. She is ready and has changed so much. She went from not believing in God and knowing nothing about the gospel to knowing a lot and being able to recognize the Holy Ghost really well. It has been an awesome journey! We found her at Walmart right before the new year and she has changed a lot.

Conference was awesome! I loved Elder Ballard’s talk on visions and goals. Its pretty much what we are trying to do in the mission. It’s also what our district did a while back to be so successful.

Today we got to go to the Masters tournament at the Augusta National. It was amazing! Today was the first day of practice rounds and we got to see a lot of the players out hitting. The course is insane! I have never been in a cleaner and more organized place. Nothing was dirty and every pine needle was in its correct place. It looked nothing like Georgia or Augusta. It is so impressive! Pictures do not even come close to do this place justice. So many people go too. It is such a big deal here. It was an amazing experience. Also, I found out that I’m staying in Evans, GA another transfer. So yeah, this week has been the bomb!

I hope ya’ll have had a great week. Thank you so much for all your support. Have an amazing day.

Elder Goodsell


Fishing for turtles


Baby Gator


Masters Golf Tournament


Masters Golf Tournament

One thought on “Weekly Mission Report – April 3rd

  1. I didn’t know anybody fished for turtles — wouldn’t that be called “turtling?” 🙂 Quite a big deal, too, to be able to visit the course where the Masters is played! Very impressive. Your enthusiasm is contagious, Austin, and I love reading all about your different adventures! Love, Aunt Carol. 🙂


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